Our Purpose

We're Making Sure EveryBody Gets A Plate

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Our Community Is Our "Why"

Learn more about the events and activities we host on the farm to bring our community together!

A Poem by Cinquan Umar Muhammad

In Wards 7 & 8, where shadows fell, Dreaming Out Loud rang a hopeful bell.
For streets once silenced by years of neglect, Now echo with dreams they long to protect.

A garden grows where a lot lay bare, Hands tilling the soil with tender care. Tomatoes and greens, a harvest to share, Feeding the soul with love that's rare.

Workshops buzz, a collective spark, Turning dim futures into works of art. Teaching the skills to rise and thrive, A promise renewed: you're still alive.

For children who wandered with heads hung low, Now stand tall in a radiant glow. Words of empowerment bloom like spring, Their voices soar, their spirits sing.

In the heartbeat of neighborhoods once denied, Dreaming Out Loud walks side by side. With the underprivileged, they plant and sow, A brighter tomorrow in seeds they grow.

It means a chance, it means a start, It means healing for every heart. For Wards 7 & 8, it's a lifeline clear, A dream awakened, a future near.

Something new

  • Food Access

    We're making sure families East of the River are able to order healthy groceries every week. Our goal is to make sure that everyone in our community is able to feed their family and nourish their body.

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  • Economic Empowerment

    We believe that food can be a vehicle for economic change. Many communities have the talent to build businesses and secure generational wealth in the food system. We want to be a resource for that!

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  • icon-iconoir-farm@3x
    Urban Farming

    One tool to combat food apartheid is the right to grow your own food. Our organization has two farms in the city of Washington, DC, and we also provide assistance to farmers who want to grow their businesses.

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  • Food Hub

    We grow food, we harvest food, we cook food, we sell food, we procure food from local farmers and food producers, and we distribute the food to communities that need it. We're building food systems the right way!

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